Author: elmig
High-energy physicists set record for network data transfer
High-energy physicists set record for network data transfer With a sustained data rate of 186 gigabits per second, high-energy physicists demonstrate the efficient use of long-range networks to support cutting-edge science.
Distribuições de Linux Portuguesas
Distribuições de Linux Portuguesas –
Sink your servers
Sink your servers –
Governo quer software grátis nos computadores mais antigos das escolas
Governo quer software grátis nos computadores mais antigos das escolas “In light of massive national budget cuts, the Portuguese government will force public schools to move to free/open source software (Google translation of original in Portuguese). Schools with some 50,000 outdated computers won’t see their software licenses renewed, the main reason being the cost of…
8 Certified Computers May Not Be Able To Boot Linux. Microsoft requires that Windows 8- certified machines use UEFI with support for secure booting. (ITWorld)
Windows 8 Certified Computers May Not Be Able To Boot Linux. Microsoft requires that Windows 8- certified machines use UEFI with support for secure booting. (ITWorld)
Petabytes on a Budget v2.0
Copying partitions under linux
dd if=/dev/hda1 bs=1k conv=sync,noerror | gzip -c | ssh -c blowfish user@hostname “dd of=filename.gz bs=1k”